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How to Correct Use O-rings in Industrial Applications?

Time:2016-09-01 Author:

A precisely engineered mechanical mounting is essential for the successful use of SAE adapter o'ring seal in joint design. Such a mounting must take into consideration the following issues.

SAE Adapter O'Ring Seal.jpg

1. First of all, to calculate the amount of stress at the o-ring contacting surface with the mounting.

How to prevent leakage in the component? You have to consider the pressures of each possible part. In principle, the fluid pressure that is been contained must not be greater than the stress that is imposed on the SAE adapter o'ring seal. And because the o-ring material is virtually incompressible, the pressure of the fluid that is being contained is transferred and the pressure at the interface increases as the operating pressure goes up. The specification of o-ring sizes is by means of the inner diameter as well as the thickness, otherwise known as the cross section diameter. As long as the o-ring does not fail in a mechanical way, the sealing of high pressure fluid can be done effectively.

2. Make sure the contact surfaces as smooth as possible

If the mounting surfaces are rough, it will cause abrasion to the surface of the o-ring, then the contact surfaces can be lubricated by fluid, or the high pressure fluid would infiltrate into the o-ring and the mounting surfaces, which cause the failure stress of the o-ring. An excellent surface finish is imperative for all the parts that comes into contact. This is especially critical in low temperature applications because the material of the sealing compound is at its glass transition temperature threshold, making it more crystalline in its properties. The same principle would apply to applications of o-ring sealing in dynamic environments.

3. To select the correct o-ring sealing that is made of different materials

O-ring sealing material which is highly flexible in nature, can effectively fills out and accommodates all uneven surfaces. O-rings are available in a number of materials that include Viton, nitrile, FFKM, FKM, silicone, epdm and more.

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