Make sure the proper alignment of the ferrule. Because China ferrule is commonly tilted on one end and flat on the other. When slipped over the pipe, one side will make contact with the surface of the pipe.
Placing the olive over the pipe and the pipe into the receiving threaded piece. Slide the bolt down the pipe, over the olive and threaded piece, and tighten the bolts with your hands. Use tools like a wrench continue doing so until it is impossible to tighten it anymore.
With other China hydraulic fitting, the contact of the threads is the only barrier in the connector and unable to ensure 100% sealing. Compared with this single sealing means, the pressure through screwing bolts on the connectors, exerts on the olive flattens it against the surface of the pipe and forms a water-tight and gas-tight seal.
If you wish to strengthen the seal, you can remove the bolt and wrap PTFE tape, or thread seal tape, over the olive. When the pieces are reconnected, the tape will add an extra sealed layer to the connection. Oil can also be added to the threads, creating a smooth and consistently tight bolt.
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